Each of us is born with two purposes. You heard me right, two. The first is known but rarely addressed. The second is a mystery for quite some time. Some of us never actually find out our purpose, and that’s so sad. It’s sad to think you can live an entire life and not find your purpose. And that means you haven’t lived at all. Or maybe, you’re just too afraid to follow your purpose. Yeah, that’s probably it. You know your purpose, but you’re too afraid to chase it. It’s not easy, it’s not just given to you; so, that belief makes it impossible. Not true; you can be who you’re meant to be. You sometimes have to step out on faith that you’re on the right path. Will you fail? Maybe you will, but it is better to try and fail than to never try at all. Here’s the thing though, you definitely fail if you don’t try. So, try & maybe you fail, but if you do fail, learn from it & pivot. Just don’t quit. This is the cycle of growth and understanding, awareness and enlightenment. We are wise to accept it; no, embrace it for what it is. It is an opportunity to see the other side of who you are and stretch into that.
Last week, I came into my purpose. I was in the right place, at the right time, and yet, I wasn’t sure of it for a couple of days into the Elite Influencer International Training Summit. I was having some unsettling feelings as I came into the front end of the Summit. There was high anticipation and some unease at the same time. I was excited to see what the days ahead would be like, but at the same time, I was still doubting that I possessed the necessary skills to be in the room with others of such a high caliber.
I normally operate in 3’s to draw my conclusions on situations, but this experience was different. We spent the first two days in the “Trinity Experience” which essentially is a 3-pronged coaching experience with three members each rotating time as the coach, participant, and observer. After the experience, each provides feedback from their perspective, which provides a rich learning experience and environment. I learned that I found comfort in my discomfort when being in my coaching role. I allowed the process to work through me and the questions I needed to ask presented themselves at the right time because I trusted the process and the environment. Besides the feeling of confirmation from faculty observance, the best confirmation came from word of mouth from others as they shared their experience as the participants while I was coaching; that was the reaffirmation I needed to hear, feel, and experience. Those experiences reinforced the fact that I was in the right place with the right people. This is my purpose.
So, I’ll ask a question… Are you the conductor? Are you the conductor of your life? Of course, you are. You are the sum of your thoughts & beliefs. So, who are you? Who are you really? Are you willing to believe in yourself the way others believe in you? I sure hope so, because we fail (to an extent) every time, we’re not willing to believe in ourselves.
Unfortunately, there are times when we are paralyzed by the reality of our lives and circumstances. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but when it occurs, it’s best if we embrace it to gain a better understanding of who we are to enlighten ourselves on a granular level. The better we understand “Us” the better we can be us and live out our purpose along the way.
Let’s play a game. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? Was it unrealistic, farfetched, or seemingly impossible? I hope it was; the crazier, the better. You see, we often think and wish for outcomes that sound crazy, but what is that makes those thoughts crazy? It’s the norms, the norms of regular people who don’t dare to think or hope for something more, something outside of what they’re used to. When we have those visions, and reveal them to others, we tend to outgrow them because that’s not what people do. Well, who says? I say be who you want to be, be who you want to become and embrace the journey along the way. Moreover, what is your natural talent that you possess and haven’t accepted?
How you see yourself is not often how the world sees you. That’s not important though, what’s important is your aspiration, desire, and your forward action. This is all based on your definitiveness of purpose. Your thoughts & desires followed up with tactical steps towards your ultimate strategic goal bring forth that which you have proven to want the most.
So what do I think? My suggestion is quite simple; follow your heart first, and then your talent. Hopefully, they are both aligned. In any event, live your life to meet the most important attribute…Joy! You may fail but think of what you learn & most importantly who you will become in the process of being the most complete you anyone could ever imagine.
What are you waiting on? What’s slowing you down? It’s you, isn’t it? Of course, it is. Second guessing yourself? That’s ok but do it anyway and thank your future self later. Let me put it another way, this is your birthright. Your birthright to be the exact person you have been put on this earth to be. You are meant for something more, a conduit of some sort, a messenger to move from one thing to the other. Better yet, from one person to another…you choose. Nonetheless, you have a greater purpose to live out that allows you to see, live, and fulfill.
Be bold, be brave. Be who you were always meant to be. Think about who inspires you, then understand that you inspire someone. So, use that & do the great things that await you.